In 1999 she joined Antena 3 News (Antena 3 Noticias). In this company she directed the home section and participated as a talk show guest in the analysis programmes: “The first Coffee” (El Primer Café) and “The Response” (La Respuesta).

On July 8, 2003 she was appointed Director of News Programmes of Antena3. In May 2012 she was appointed General Manager of Antena 3 News (Antena 3 Noticias). At the present time, she is the longest serving professional News Director in Spain.

Gloria Lomana

Among others, she has been awarded the “Prize for Business and Professional Excellence”, conferred in 2009 by the Business Women’s Circle, with the “Golden Statutory Master” conferred in 2010 by the Senior Management Forum, in recognition of her work as Manager of News Programmes of Antena 3 and with the “Coexistence and Tolerance Award” conferred by the General Council of Court Representatives in 2014 for having provided the Spanish people with rigorous, plural and true information. In October 2015, Gloria Lomana received the “First Amendment Award” granted by the Eisenhower Foundation for the Defence and Promotionof the Freedom of the Press and which, in her case, also recognised the broadcasting of independent, rigorous and true information over more than 12 in charge of the information programmes of Antena 3 News.

Currently, Gloria Lomana forms part of the Jury of the “Princesa de Asturias” Awards for International Cooperation, of “The Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands” and of the Jury of the “Rey Jaime I Awards”.

1987  “El ciclón Socialista” (The Socialist Cyclon). A chronicle of the first Socialist legislature