Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

2015 2016 2017 Training hours per employee 26.2 22.1 41.9 Employees trained 1,175 1,974 1,076 Investment in training 406,095 727,308 641,473 Hours of training/managers 60 47 60 Hours of training/technical staff 23 19 38 Hours of training/back office staff 18 17 33 Hours of training/other 17 16 37 Internships 340 410 468 In 2017, Atresmedia invested a total of 641,473 euros in training its workforce, giving an average of 596 euros for each of the 1,076 employees trained during the year. Group employees received an average of 41.9 hours of training, varying slightly by job category. Managers received an average of 60 hours, technical staff 38 hours, back office staff 33 hours and other categories 37 hours. In 2017, the number of training hours per employee climbed sharply due to the increase in the number of course delivered, with each trained employee receiving two or more training courses in the year. Investment in training (euros) 2015 2016 2017 641,473 727,308 406,095 | 120 |  7. OUR CONTRIBUTION ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017