Annual And Corporate Responsibility Report 2017

The Code of Ethics of laSexta Noticias ensures accurate and diverse reporting that is committed to the following principles: 1 Respecting the Spanish Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations 2 Voicing the concerns of national and international organisations and groups that fight to protect underprivileged people and combat inequality and injustice 3 Avoiding rude or coarse expressions, which may only be used when they add useful information or help understand the news. If included, they may only be uttered by the subjects themselves and not by the news presenters or editors 4 Warning audiences before violent images are shown, which may only be displayed when they add relevant information 5 Verifying all information broadcast by laSexta Noticias so as to tell both sides of the story 6 Presuming all people to be innocent until proven otherwise by a court of law. For court cases, the information will indicate the situation of the defendant 7 Respecting people’s private life 8 Mentioning any media or press source from which exclusive information has been obtained | 80 |  5. WHAT DO WE DO? ATRESMEDIA  |  ANNUAL AND CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY REPORT 2017