Highlights of the year

Corporate Responsability

Atresmedia, top Spanish media group to join Media CSR Forum

Atresmedia is the first Spanish media group to join the Media Corporate Social Responsibility Forum (Media CSR Forum): a forum specialized on Corporate Responsibility of media groups, consisting of some of the leading international media groups such as BBC, The Guardian, BSkyB or RTL Group.

The only company in the media industry to produce its CR Report inline with the new GRI G.4 guide.

Atresmedia is the first media group in Europe that produces its corporate responsibility report based on criteria established under the “comprehensive” level of the GRI G.4 guide.

The use of this new standard guarantees the relevance of matters covered in the report for stakeholders. The report was reviewed by GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), which has awarded its “Materiality Matters” seal.

Over 2,060,000 Euros collected for Red Cross, Aldeas Infantiles and Federación Española de Bancos de Alimentos.

All Atresmedia media groups have worked in 2013 on the three social campaigns initiated with Red Cross, Aldeas Infantiles and Banco de Alimentos (Food bank). In total, more than 2,060,000 Euros have been collected which will help more than 8,000 families about to lose their home in the case of the Red Cross campaign – more than 4,000 children to have their basic needs covered for an entire year – in the case of Aldeas Infantiles – and more than 1.5 million persons to have access to food distributed by the Food Banks.

Important achievements and recognition of the Ponle Freno campaign.

Five years after its launch, the Ponle Freno initiative has continued to obtain major achievements. Some of these are the start of the Centre of Road Safety Studies Pone Freno-Axa, dedicated to research on accident prevention, and the participation and collection records achieved by the V Carrera Ponle Freno, with over 17,000 runners and more than 162,000 Euros collected. The Comisariado Europeo del Automovil (CEA) Foundation recognized Atresmedia for its social activities in favor of traffic accident prevention with Ponle Freno.

Agreement with the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality to promote healthy habits.

Atresmedia and the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality have signed a collaboration agreement to jointly execute awareness campaigns in order to prevent childhood obesity, in the new campaign El Estirón.

Education, leading role in Fundación Atresmedia.

Fundación Atresmedia has chosen education as the main focus of its activities in 2013. It obtained advice from a group of experts consisting of teachers, students, families, representatives of civilian society and institutions, which worked on the execution of projects focused on improving the educational environment and recognition of the teacher figure. The Premios iniciativas que educan (Educational Initiatives Awards) or the event Gracias, profes (Thanks teachers) are some of the initiatives that have been specifically promoted with these objectives.

Production of a Corporate Responsibility materiality study with the help of stakeholders

Atresmedia gathered its interest groups to indentify their perceptions, demands and expectations with regards to the Company and identify the key subjects concerning a media group in terms of Corporate Responsibility (CR). The conclusions have helped, together with a study by the Complutense University of Madrid, to identify the material matters in terms of CR for the Group.

More environmental, social and good governance information for investors

Atresmedia has made a commitment to transparency and gives Corporate Responsibility a strategic nature. An example is the quarterly inclusion, in the document sent to the National Stock Market Commission, with the financial results for the period, a summary of the main Corporate Responsibility activities promoted by the Company during this period.

Leader in the media industry in the Carbon Disclosure Project

Atresmedia achieved 60D score in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the highest in its segment. This rating, better than the previous year, shows the commitment of the Group against climate change.

Atresmedia best media group in quality of public information.

For the second consecutive year, Atresmedia has been recognized as the best media group in terms of public financial and non-financial information according to the Reporta 13 Report. The report values the capacity of companies to approach their shareholders and stakeholders to identify and appraise the performance of the company and take informed decisions with certainty.

Recognition to the solidarity activities of Atresmedia and its employment attractiveness.

Red Cross awarded Atresmedia with the Gold Cross for “efficient and meritorious task promoting activities for cooperation and social integration of vulnerable persons”. In addition and for the second consecutive year the Randstad Employer Branding 2013 Report has distinguished the Group as one of the media companies with greatest employment attractiveness. Atresmedia volunteers in Cottolengo and